Day 13. Ugh.
I have been remiss in posting. Truthfully, there are a few reasons for that.
Let me start by saying one of the reasons is NOT that I've fallen off the wagon - I haven't.
I have, however, been in a foul, shitty, depressed mood. I'm tired. All the time. I don't understand why that isn't going away.
I haven't laughed much or smiled since I quit. I don't understand that, either. While I know that this is a ridiculous thing to say, I'll say it anyways: am I a naturally sour person with a shitty disposition and NOT having nicotine or cigarettes has caused that to finally assert itself or ...? You understand the question. I am so not myself that it's troublesome.
I just... I don't feel up for anything. I didn't get things done around the house the weekend, things that I would normally ensure happened. I wanted to nap - or sit - or whatever - but I wasn't productive at all. There are three things I've kept together, and that's work, my diet, and my exercise schedule. Other stuff (like housecleaning, yard work, washing my car, etc.) I just don't seem to have the energy for and I would have always attended to that stuff whether I wanted to or not.
So I haven't blogged because the tenor of my posts have been SO bad that I didn't want to depress everyone.
Hi there,
Oh my god. I have been feeling the exact same way. I am on day 13. This post is December 2008 and totally late for the original post but I wanted to post something for anyone else that has been using the internet to help get through the withdrawl.
I feel so proud that I haven't been smoking and I don't want to go back at all. I just have been so bummed out. I haven't been doing the housework, everyone I meet is stupid, every show on tv sucks, and I am soooo depressed. I don't want to do anything either. I was also worried that this is my real personality and what I am stuck with forever.
After reading this post I can see that it is not. Ha ha. I think that maybe the reason I haven't been keeping up with the housework is because of my association with cigs. I would go out to have one then start a task, like clean the bathroom. When I finished I would go out and have one to celebrate. I would then go on to the next task. On and on and on. I think I am just avoiding that pattern and the chance of craving a habit smoke.
Anyone else out there that is feelig the same thing can probably relate. Having a smoke is like closure for a crumby task or a pep talk for starting one. So who gives a crap about the laundry piling up for now. Quitting is your chore for now. You will get to the point that your desire to have clean laundry beats your desire to have a smoke and things will get easier.
The fact that this stuff isn't getting done combined with the exhaustion (I have totally been feeling this too) is likely adding to the feelings of depression. It will shift soon. Your frustration is a sign of that shift. I say, feel the shittiness and frustration and take it all in. This will be the reason I don't start again because I will never want to put myself (and my family) through this again in another attempt to quit. Hang in there!
Hi I am on day 13 and feel the same as everyone on these posts. I told a friend "I feel like I'm trying to be someone I'm not!" LOL I felt like a smoker and was comfortable with that BUT my health was on a steady decline and I couldn't afford $8.00 a day! ($56 a week) Crazy but I stopped COLD TURKEY NO NICOTINE and felt great on day 4 except for tightness in my chest and a bit of insomnia. I do feel depressed but I'm in mourning...mourning my cigarettes. I believe I'll be ok...Laura
I too am on day 13 and am searching the internet to find out if I am going crazy, or if this is normal - I feel incredibly depressed, I dont have the energy or motivation to do anything at all, and all I want to do is cry. I just got married a month ago, so I should be on top of the moon, instead all I want to do is curl up in a corner and cry. For all those who posted before me, tell me does it go away? and when?
Hi my name is Amber and I am addicted to niccotine.I have been clean for 13 days now and am going crasy!!!!I do not have the craving any more for a smoke but like alot of people am in mourning.I told my husband it is like losing a good friend.T he habit's and rituals of smoking are the hardest to knock.I too associate alot of house hold chores with smoking.Something as little as putting on makeup was a big step for me doing it smoke free.I will not let this cancer stick bring me down tho...I just keep in mind that I may be granting my grand children the pleasure of being there for them for an etra 15 years!!!!
Hey guys
Hang in there. I quit cold turkey too. It was DIFFICULT and still is.
Best thing is to "make cigs unavailable". It is the ease with which we get them, that makes it difficult to quit.
Good luck!
Been smoking 50 years,aged 65 years, now stopped 13days ago, cold turkey.
Some people are unreal, wanting a quick fix, the truth is, there is not one. So try drinking water, deep breathing for 3 minutes, and chew on a carrot when the urge to smoke comes. Best of luck to the real folk.
Glad to read that what I am experiencing is not just me. I felt better on days 4-5 that now on 13. One week 1 month 1 year is my goal, after 35 years I have to quit. The craving seem to be worse? They must subside of I could cave.
I googled day 13...and got here....Im on day 13 also...I haave to say I am feeling MUCH better than most of the people who have previously posted.
The difference might be I'm taking a lot of stimulants for the gym (gettingin more serious workouts is why I decided to quit)....I just generally feel happier, I am in a great mood, when things get really bad (craving wise) I put on a nicotine patch and 5 mins later im just fine. I fully expect to keep it up and Im not looking back...I wish everyone well with their day 13's and beyond. Remember your doing well....remember how hard it would be to start quitting again.
Earl Blaney
Hi Fox,
Been smoking 10 years, am 27 now.
Since 14 Sep,2011: 13 days smoke free, 135 cigarettes down, AUD $97.28 and 0d 13 h 30m Saved!.
Isn't it awesome?
I am doing calculation instead of smoke :) LOL
Guess what no craving at all! more attention on work and more happy.
Good job team Hooooooooooooooh!
Hello, to the post above, I am also on day 13, having quit the same day as you (my 34th birthday!) I felt terrible the first few days, but have been feeling pretty dang good the last few, after quitting cold turkey from 21 years of smoking. For me, I feel so much better NOT SMOKING! I really didn't realize how shitty I felt until I quit. I felt worse as a smoker and I DO NOT want to go back to that, and I would never want to relive the first few days and past few weeks, so I am pretty sure I am done. Tomorrow it will be two weeks and I think then I will need to quit the candy.... Best of luck everyone! Don't smoke, it's just fricken stupid ;)
I'm also on day 13. Mornings are my worst time for craving.... Usually when I'm checking my email or paying bills. Still struggling with heartburn in the evening and during the night. I am also not sleeping well. I'm eating everything in sight, have put on a few pounds, but that's okay since I had lost 20. I'm so proud of myself for being smokefree. Smoked 1- 1 1/2 packs for 24 years.
Hi, day 13 for me on 12/02/2012, its been hard. I wanna argue with everyone but trying to keep a kid on it ! I have good reason, my dentist sent me to see a oral consultant and he found pre cancer in my mouth. So not only am I getting my life back, I'm saving money, hoping to feel better and smell better too ! I will survive. Good luck everyone x
I'm 35 years old, smoking since I'm 14! I've smoked 20-30 cigarettes a day for 21 YEARS?! That's 191,625 cigarettes in my tenure... I'm like the Rest of You, 13 days in of the Smoke Free Life & just so disgusted with myself for getting to this point! My Pure motivation in Quitting Cold Turkey is for my Mother!!!!!!! She's Turning 71 in May & has been smoking since she's 13. She still is in Ok shape for that ridiculous amount of years of smoking I've 55!!! I'm Very Concerned for her health & Am trying to Prove a point to her. Yeah, maybe I haven't smoked 50+ years but 20 years isn't short either! THIS MESSAGE IS TO EVERYONE: IT CAN BE DONE! Don't die thinking you couldn't Stop! So Sad! I was the same way as all of you, how am I going to replace the hand addictions, the Oral addictions. Before & after food, before & after driving only a mile! All BULLSHIT EXCUSES. I'm not going to lie or act tough I had a LiL help stopping.... I Got Pneumonia! A silly chest infection turns bad because of 20+ years of smoking!!! So I said this is IT! I tired of being the slave to this Addiction & turned My Back on Smoking! I was tortured not being able to breathe for first 5-6 days w/ Pneumonia & Withdrawl Combo! Talk about the 1 - 2 KnockOut! My whole point to this is that I'm just NOW BELIEVING IT IS POSSIBLE TO THROW IN THE TOWEL BEFORE WE DIE!!! I have Personal Motivation behind it, Proving to My Mom She Can Too Do It but EACH OF YOU TOO HAVE SOMETHING THAT WILL DRIVE YOU!! It wasn't my children, getting sick, supporting my family or Any of the Important aspects that Made Me Stop or Fear it Enough to Quit! Find YOUR DRIVING Force & throw in the Towel!!! I Did!
Hi on my 13th days smoking free..after 25yrs.I smoked an average of 15 sticks per day..2 years b4 got problem to walk...long treatment n after an scan doctor discovered that my lower artery was blocked.So i did an angiography n they put 2 stents in my artery...but even i continue to last month i decided to stop n i choosed the 13th april and today is my 13th day :) What can i say to encourage those who really want to i am enjoying good times with my family,friends,collegues etc...Today i did 1.5km jogging without any difficulties and i wish to increase it in the coming days.NEVER THINK THAT IT IS NOT EASY TO STOP ...IT IS VERY EASY,BELIEVE ME...TRY IT.... U CAN N U WILL DO IT !!!!!!
Hi there everyone! Today is my 13th day clean without nicotine! I just wanted to say I am so glad I'm not alone and it's just not me going through these withdrawal symptoms! I've been smoking on and off now for over 12yrs! I decided the only way to stop was to do it cold turkey! It feels like I lost my best friend! It's so crazy on how dependent I was on cigarettes! Everything I did revolved around smoking! My favorite time was after eating a good spicy meal! I often think about how good a smoke would feel after I eat! Sometimes I would eat just to experience that wonderful feeling of smoking afterwards! Wow, is that crazy or what!?!? Now that I don't smoke I really don't like to eat certain foods because it reminds me of wanting to smoke. The only thing that works for me is to eat something really sweet like candy immediately after I eat. My cravings have tapered down somewhat but still on this 13th day I still have the cravings! I just hope it goes away soon!It feels really good not to smoke and be dependent on nicotine and I really want to continue to fight this and NEVER smoke again! Thanks for the great posts everyone!
I'm on day 13. Im still getting the phlem and coughing and tightens in my chest mostly after I'm in the car with my bf who smokes like a chimney. I decided to quit bc I'm 23 and my bf is 33 and he has so many wrinkles and disgusting phlem ( not to be mean) and also my father smoked for 40 + years and I got second hand smoke from him. And now I'm getting second hand smoke from my bf I'm fine and can breathe finally but I dot know what to do when he's smoking and I really really really don't want a cig but the smell of the smoke makes me sick and then cough up phlem at night. The first week was bad but I'm slowly getting better :)
Hi there,
I'm on the 13th day as well today is 11/9/2012, and i feel like sh!t but overall i'm happy, my question is when do i stop thining about it!!
Hi everyone,
I am on day. 13 and I am so proud off myself. I have been tempted several times for "just one drag" off a friends cigarette but I didn't cave! I had my first smoke when I was 12. Twenty one years later I'm now a non smoker. That's right, I'm not "trying to quit" - I do not smoke anymore ! I just keep thinking how much I hate hospitals . and having the nurses judging me (rightly) for smoking as they hook me up to tubes while my friends are out at a lovely pub on a bright spring day would make me way more miserable than the little cravings I'm having right now. I can do it. We all can!
Hi Everyone,
13 days and still finding it tough. All i want to know after how long do the cravings subside on average. 1 year 2 years more , less?
Today is my day 13, decided I didn't wanna die so I just stopped, I was fine, no cravings, no real thought about it. Yesterday and today though I'm really craving, I've had to make extra effort to take my mind off it, and have chewed at least 5 nicotine gums today. I'm the same no energy, very tired, lacking in motivation for such household chores, I'm also experiencing palpitations, and my throat is very groggy, but I can breath, after smoking for 10 years it's amazing how different it feels, fresh like. Like said above I'm not trying to quit, I no longer smoke full stop that's it and a non smoker is the way I intend to stay. Good luck everyone :-)
Hi, It's so great to see everyone else quitting those dreadful cancer sticks. I'm on day 13 myself.
I was previously a rollie smoker who smoked about 50grams of tobacco a week for 11 years straight.
I use to wake up and sometimes roll a cigarette before I even finished making a coffee. It got to one point that I was chain smoking in the mornnigs, I would smoke 3 or 4 ciggies with 2 cups of coffee every morning.
As you can tell I was highly addictive to tobacco cigarettes. I have tried quitting more times than I can count on both my hands and feet.
I tried cold turkey several times the longest I went without a ciggie cold turkey only lasted 4 days. I eventually decided if I cant quit I'll try the electronic cigarette which I got from Vapour Kings at
I decided to get the biggest version electronic cigarette at vapour kings called the Exhale Kyngo electronic cigarette because I was a pretty heavy smoker and I didn't want to continue recharging the battery every 2 hours like you do with the mini ecigs that look like real cigarettes.
I still experience cravings for a regular cigarette although substituting it with the exhale kyngo definitely makes those cravings so much easier to manage compared to when I tried going completely going cold turkey...
Personally I love the electronic cigarette and I think they should replace all tobacco cigarettes because they will save a lot of lives....
But Whatever method your using to quit tobacco cigarettes remember they are your true enemies. Those little evil cancer sticks play some fantastic psychological tricks on you, someties to the extent that I found myself associating happiness with the tobacco cigarette and started fantasizing about smoking. But in reality I wasn't happy even when I use to smoke lol. It really is a pretty powerful drug just take it a day at a time everyday you go without it you are reaping the rewards and remember youve been through to much pain to give in now... you have paid the full fare and absolutely deserve to be free from those little white cancer sticks....
Day 13 complete! I keep reminding myself good friends don't kill, so cigarettes are no friend or solution of mine. I want to live. This evening cravings were stronger than some of the cravings in earlier days. BULL that they only lasted 3 mins. LOL I timed it and it was 15 mins! Fog is finally lifting off my brain and I can only pray after 29 years of smoking I haven't damaged grey matter like they say cigarettes have been doing. I remind myself the arsnic and cyanide they put in cigs is asinine and evil. All the additives and things to make cigarettes more addictive is pure BS! So I will make it!! I don't EVER want to have to go through 13 days of this again. Nothing is worth it and it has definitely made me regret ever taking that very first cigarette puff. THIS keeps me saying OH HELL NO to cigarettes as I survived day 13 of COLD TURKEY!
hi there, I'm 30 years old and have smoking since I was 15. A couple years ago I switched to dipping because it was easier to hide from people.I dated someone for months and they had no idea I was a nicotine junkie. I would frequently leave her place just because I needed my fix. Or when we were together, I would find ways to get away for a while to satisfy my habit. Naturally, the relationship didn't work out because I was so flaky.
I'm sick of this addiction running my life, so im done for good. It's day 13 and I feel like I have truly lost one of my best friends, nicotine. How ridiculous does that sound? Anyway, its time to man up kick this terrible habit once and for all.
See nicotine for what it is... a drug that destroys your mind and body. Your addicted to the reactions this drug causes when it enters your bloodstream. Your brain releases dopamine (your reward system), your body goes into fight or flight mode, you feel your heart beating out of your chest while your brain tells your receptors to pump fat stores into your blood stream. It feels great but at what cost? your health? your energy? your mind? your friendships? your money? At what point does it not become worth it.... I say now. Stay quit! Day 13, going strong!
Day 13 for me too, have to say never thought i would do it, am slightly cheating as using e cig, which helps enormously. Have been smoking for 23 years, that makes me sound old but only just turned 40 and have a whole lot of living to do.!!!! Im sure we can all relate to that. Was feeling awful, looking awful, smelling awful and now i feel great, look better and smell a whole lot better. isnt it nice to talk to someone and not be worried about bad breath.... Lets face it smoking is good for nothing, nothing, nothing, very proud of myself and reading what everyone has said on their day 13 is such a inspiraton and has kept me going. Was having horrible cravings tonight but reading what everyone is going through keeps me going, we can do it and enjoy life and living!!!
Day 13, angry and staying home .Can t have a beer due to triggers the cravings. 55 years old. been smoking for 35 years and more. have 2 beautiful daughters in 20's still single . Want to walk them down the isle one day. Want to just be there. But most of all want to show THEM i can do it. Lord help me.
On day 13 of quitting never thought I'd manage and thought I was alone!! Seeing everyone s comments really helps the tiredness is overwhelming the depression and feeling like you have lost who you are I'm glad it's not just me. My three yr old stopped me smoking she told me not to sit by her as I smelt really bad of smoke, I stopped right then! I hope this inspires others to keep going when they google day 13 and read the blog and comments that its normal to feel this way and soon we will feel great lets keep going!!
I'm actually on day 12 and I found this page by fate. I went cold turkey and I just about have/had the same symptoms mentioned throughout the comments. Awkward lack of motivation, depressive moods, mood swings, anxiety, lethargy, brain fog, and constantly thinking that I was becoming someone else (in a negative way). I remember quitting smoking beginning of last year, and stayed quit for about 3 months before relapsing. I had all the withdrawal symptoms I am currently going through. I remember after about a month of the quit, I did see and feel the improvements of the withdrawal symptoms. It was great. I enjoyed being clear headed (after brain fog had lifted), less anxious, not stinky (it's impossible to hide your scent from a non smoker), and I thoroughly enjoyed not going through perpetual mini withdrawals between cigarette breaks. It really gets better with time and effort.
Get exercise; I love my walks around the neighborhood (especially at night because of the cool air to breathe in). For me, it a quiet time for self rejuvenation and reflection.. especially after a stressful day.
Hobby; I picked up a new hobby soon after I quit smoking, which was collecting varieties of teas. Green Tea, Ginseng Tea, Matcha Tea, Yogi Detox Tea, Ginger Tea, and so on. Each teas have their own unique benefits/effects. Learn how to sip hot tea and sip on them when hard cravings strike. It helps tremendously.
It's actually getting late and I have to go to sleep.. but here's a hypnosis video that I found that I really liked.
Stay strong! You can do it.
If you can make it to day 13 you are through the worst of it and you can make it to day 14! That's what I'm telling myself today. I got a little drunk with friends last night and convinced myself I would come home and have a cigarette. I ate some seeds and drank tea I instead and I'm so glad of that today! For all of you who are feeling sad, remember that smoking was making you feel awful, like an idiot who didn't respect themselves and realise the gift you are giving yourself by stopping.
It has been scientifically proven that stopping smoking makes you happier in the long run - google it - there's an interesting study. Also I recommend the cessation nation app which charts your progress and is really encouraging.
Good luck to all of you! Don't beat yourself up about being grumpy, eating more or lacking motivation in the first few weeks. You are doing something massively good for yourself and it will get easier.
I am 33 years old and have been quit now for 13 MONTHS!!! I quit on my little boy's first day of grade 1. I kept making excuses since he was a baby to quit.
Let me tell you how terrible the first 6 months were :( I thought it would never end. I was so tired I couldn't do anything. My nails were bitten down so low they would bleed, i didn't want to do anything, I had no motivation. I loved smoking. I just knew it was becoming socially unacceptable/gross/expensive/, and most of all- my chold deserves a mother around when he's older.
You need to hang in there if you are quitting. You will be back at square one and feel worse if you start again. Even one cig. Trust me- it gets better, just hang in there. You WILL feel normal again. Which is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day 13 here too!
I quit on the 2nd of Jan/2014.
I quit because I had the flu and was coughing my ass off. I felt so sore in the belly too from constantly coughing over and over. I said to hell with this nicotine and quit cold turkey with nothing to assist me other than having the flu. I spent and still do spend a lot of time sleeping/snoozing but realize that it will end and I have no urges or regrets for what I've done. I started smoking at age 10, I'm now 50. Four months ago, I also quit smoking weed and quit drinking. I really don't know how I've been doing it, but it is all coming to me so easily. I wish luck to all who try and I can only say that all those people I used to smoke with at break time, STINK real badly!!! I'm so glad I'm no longer one of those.
smoked for 25 years and also on day 13. walk in the park! all a mind set,easier than i thought. was smoking 30 a day.
just want to share my day 13 smoke free (nicotine free) lungs... i dont feel that good either... but in a bright side... its getting better...
Oh my God.... So glad I found this post! It's day 13 for me as well, and up until this point it has been remarkably easy. Just a craving here and there, nothing too serious, but TODAY??? I feel... empty I guess. I have smoked for 20 years. I am proud of myself, and I am breathing much easier, and I'm swimming lengths without any effort, but I know that there is a rewiring in my brain that needs to happen, which is going to take some time. I feel like a martyr... the world has lost it's colour, but I will never smoke again, ever!
Here's to all you brave and beautiful souls who also fell into this trap! :)
Day 13. I should be happy. It's my day off and it's beautiful outside. My husband and daughter are visiting with family while I stay home alone and sulk.I just want to feel happy, instead I feel like I am so depressed and lost. I am so tired from cleaning and eating, but that is all I can do to pass each craving. Then I tell myself to suck it up, I've got to get over this feeling and hope, pray that tomorrow will be easier. Please be easier.
Day 12 for me.... I'm so glad I found these post to read.. It is my Saturday morning and I usually clean my house this day and also associated smoking with that task.. This is hard. I feel cheated that my brain felt better on nicotine. I'm however very proud of myself and all who have posted that my body is recovering from all that stupidity I've put myself through, even if my mind hasn't caught up with it... I know some day it will. Smoking is the leading cause of bladder cancer which is something we don't always take note of and I can tell you right now I do not want to live any amount of time with a bag of urine attached to my leg... Also being ashamed of smoking and hiding to do it.... All stupid. I'm now a nonsmoker and am not ashamed... That is how I intend to stay... My brain will soon catch up! NOPE! (not one puff ever!)
It is November 2016 and my 13th day free. Decided to quit on day-to-day basis, quite surprising for myself, though I mentioned it once in a while as a joke in some talk to a friend. I am 33, been smoking for 12 years. I just went for a retreat with no rolled tobacco of mine - it felt difficult first, but possible. Then I decided to keep it for the whole week and then - for the second. The packet of rolled tobacco is still right there in the room, but it actually gives pleasure to remember it just for sake of feeling free from it for so long. Regular yoga helps a lot. The physical yearning is gone - actually the body response is a great reward, the swimming trainings went much better almost immediately. The sense of depression is on the other hand acute - no much motivation to do the proper work, unreasonable irritation. Today the sense of emptiness struck heavier than before. But it feels like it is the last apex, already passing - it is just the dark passage before the new day is established. No regrets.
Well said!
i smoked for 30 years quit cold turkey 13 days ago and i been great,my withdrawls are unnoticable,no mood swings,no coughing at all and yesterday i washed my truck and today i used a push mower to cut my grass,i feel twenty years younger
Today is day 13 for me. Average 30 cigs a day since I was 15. Im 53 now and just tired of smoking. Im tired of making sure I have cigs before I head home. Tired of making sure I have cigs anywhere and everywhere I go. Im tired of trying to figure out where to smoke at work, at a concert, at a restaurant, at the ballpark, etc.. Im also tired of spending between $6,500.-$7,000 a year to support this habbit. Im tired of the way smoking makes me feel, makes me smell, makes me stand out as "the smoker".
Im just totally tired so Im done with smoking. I WILL CONTROL MY SELF, I WILL NOT LET CIGARETTES CONTROL ME.
"When in doubt I constitute a majority of one!"
I started smoking at age 15 when I moved in with my Mom and Sister to fit in with them as they both smoked. I am now 46. I am on my 15th smoke-free day cold turkey.Today I feel the most grumpy, most angry, most irritated and most depressed of all. Spent the day just crying off and on all day. Not really craving a cigarette, just feeling awful. Beautiful day outside and want to go out but live in a rural area and don't want to be seen by someone I know walking down the trail bawling like the crazy lady that no one wants to encounter on their Sunday walk. I really hope this gets better soon and that I won't be crazy like this at work tomorrow. Thank you to all who posted and were feeling similar and willing to share. I'm sorry that any of us have to go through this, but knowing I'm not alone has given me hope that the horrible phase will improve and eventually end.
I'm just finished day 12 and I'm feeling drained , tired down , the first few days were good I felt rejuvenated I am still craving and on patches , will this feeling subside ,I am 61 yrs old and have a 5 yr old son , i want to see him grow , let's see what tomorrow brings !
I quit 7 months ago and I feel great after my first 72 hours it was easy with the help of Jehovah I had smoked for 26 years
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