Thursday, August 18, 2005

Day 9 - Observations and Responses to People Who Have Emailed Me. :-), a support and resource site that many of you kindly referred me to, says the following about my quit:

Your Quit Date is: 8/10/2005 7:40:00 AM
Time Smoke-Free: 8 days, 3 hours, 7 minutes and 9
Cigarettes NOT smoked: 122
Lifetime Saved:
22 hours
Money Saved: $24.00

Let's see... that's one more day to bitch and moan (almost) and about half a tank of gas. Not very exciting!!

Today I feel ok... Not great, just ok. The tired thing is kicking my ass. I'm a pretty high energy person, so feeling overly tired for an extended period of time takes an emotional toll on me. I don't know if I would call my symptoms physical - I mean, theoretically, at Day 9, if I went and got blood work done there would be no evidence of my ever having smoked. But does that mean that withdrawal stuff is gone, too?? I don't think so... I'm still struggling with mild headaches (intermittent), nasty irritability, and insomnia. Can anyone out there farther along than I tell me how much longer I'll be tired and kind of out of sorts? I just want to know - having it seem indefinite and indefinable is really depressing.

A LOT of people wrote me after I sent out an email indicating that the blog was fully updated a week in. Here's an excerpt of something from my Dad:

"The only concern I had was your statement to the effect that "smoking may kill
me but stress will kill me". I would argue that stress can be harmful but you
can do other things to mitigate it. Whereas, there is no mitigation for smoking
other than stopping. "

Understood - just so all of you know, I don't consider there any choice in the matter and it occurred to me that it may have sounded that way. In other words, I do believe that, overall, stress is a more pervasive and dangerous condition than smoking. It affects so many systems in your body - for me, my skin and brain and stomach and breathing. However, I do NOT think that there is a choice to be made between smoking and stress. Nicotine, I think, lowers stress levels - but so does heroin. That doesn't make it right, now does it?? So don't worry Dad - I won't talk myself into smoking again for the sake of stress. If I fall off the wagon it will be only from pure weakness, not some silly rationalization.

My Godmother wrote me as well:

"Anyway -- you GO GIRL! It is not only your commitment to this but your
commitment and strength in everything that makes me so proud of you. You
are ONE STRONG person. You are brave to take this on as you start a new
job. Or, it might be the best time to do it."

There is never a good time to do it. But there's also never a good time for cancer. I just chose my date and stuck with it and planned for it.

I went to a solidarity vigil for Cindy Sheehan (the mom camped outside of the President's ranch in Crawford, Texas) last night. It was nice - about 400 people with candles and signs lining Reston Parkway (my hometown in Virginia). Lots of people were smoking, though. I longed but I wouldn't call it an actual craving.

So there you have it. Let me know what types of things those of you who have quit smoking are experiencing.


At 6:46 AM, Blogger Hill Billy Rave said...

I'm rooting for you Rena. Even If I disagree with you.

At 11:25 AM, Blogger ing said...

I'm thinking about quitting smoking, but even thinking about it makes me shakey. I just know I'm going to die if I don't do it. I'm a little afraid, though, to try it while I'm so busy with teaching.

I like your writing.

At 8:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today is my 9th day of quitting smoking. I've been craving every now and then, chewing gum and water does help. I use close to the same excuse as Rena to where I say to myself, If my partner makes me stress I would go smoke one. Thinking about it, it was silly of me. Sometimes you would have these faulty thinking, like I would have just 1 cigarette, just 1 and that's all. THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS JUST 1 CIGARETTE. I feel like if I can distrack myself for as little as 5-10mins I would not crave. Staying quit is the path to a healthier and happier life so i'm going to stick with it until it all go away. I was feeling better yesterday and today I'm going to the Dentist to get full mouth cleaning and get white strip to whitening my teeth.

At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today is my my girlfriend's and I ninth day. This is important to us because back in June we tried to quit and broke down on our 9th day. We used chantix before and it worked but now my insurance won't cover it like before. It's tough. Keep at it. Everything is new so treat it that way. For every good memory you have of smoking remember two more bad one's. See how many good ones you can come up with. And smoking just one doesn't work. It never does. The first one tastes like crap. And then after a few..look you're smoking again. Don't do it. Feed off your progress. You own your health now. Be proud.

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Colin Devaney said...


I'm looking for people who quit smoking on blogger - please read mine if you would, I'd love your advice and imput!

by the way... go you for quitting it doodette!

At 1:02 AM, Anonymous viagra online said...

Lung cancer and mouth cancer are some of the biggest dangers of smoking, and one single cigarette contains thousands of harmful chemicals.
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At 4:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Rena, we have a few things in common as it is my 9th day in and im a Renae. Tiredness has been my biggest bain this week, but i have just hit the anxiety wall and have decided it is easier to be a hermit for a while. Maybe not the best idea but atleast no one else is affected. Other than todays misgivings the first week seemed really easy... THE WILL WAS STRONG!!! Keeping it strong seems to be more difficult. Three party invites and here i am at home (bah humbug). You are not alone. I think i might write my grumpy self a note as to why i started in the first place. I know I will feel better in the morn.

At 11:52 PM, Anonymous Mike said...

Hi there. I was lucky enough to run out of money and had zero choice but to quit. The first three days were rough, in my opinion the worst was right before I fell asleep on the first night. Currently on the 8th day and it's hit or miss, nothing major. A little [puff of refer will help you at nightfall

At 1:58 AM, Anonymous generic viagra online said...

Good discussion I like it so much keep working and posting the articles. I like it so much.....

Smith Alan

At 6:49 PM, Anonymous erica said...

Hi there , my name is erica, I'm writting this blog right now to stop myself from smoking, I'm so tired its. stupid. Tired,anxious and moody are understatements at his point. I had to suffer being in. Las Vegas this weekend because of family matters and I nearly lost my mind being tired and seeing people smoke everywhere, glad I'm home now!!! This is so rough.....nice to see other peoples comments !

At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It"s been 9 days me too and i do feel somewhat tired and very irritated ...but cravings arent bothering me as much i could say at all , i find waking up in the morning breathing proper motivates me my skin has a different glow it feel nice ...

At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm only 3 days in and feel like total shit!! I feel like my best friend died or something. & I have heartburn really bad in the evenings. Driving anywhere sucks because I want to smoke so bad!!

At 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just take it one day at a time, I'm on my 10th tomorrow, soooo proud of myself..never thought I would get this far!!!
Just one day at a time and do'n tell too many people then you don't feel so pressured..good luck to all

At 2:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I quit 9 days ago. I did this along with my Mom who was diagnosed with lung cancer 9days ago. I love my Mom. I love myself. I love the fact that God has delivered me from my smoking stronghold. I don't care what the withdrawals are, I'm done, pointblank period. Congrats to all of you who kicked the habit...keep it up. God bless. Pray for my Mom, me, and you:-)...

At 4:38 AM, Blogger kellyann said...

hi rena i too am on day 9. I have certain times of the day when the urge to have a ciggy comes over me, but so far so good. This is about my 4th attempt at quitting, longest time being 6 months. I truly want to kick this awful habit, i just dont know why i find it so hard as the evidence of what it does to your body is before my eyes on a daily basis. My kind loving dad is suffering from lung is a shocking disease, fighting to fill your lungs with im writing this i am breathing so deep something we all take for granted, and yet up until 9 days ago i willingly polluted my lungs. As my dad says its a mugs game someone would have to put a gun to his head to make him smoke again.i must add he quit 10 years ago and if he could take back every single ciggarette he smoked he would do it in a heart so sad x I just hope u have remained smoke free and i do to xx best wishes and good luck

At 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

completely green joint and red wine. and blowjobs thems the key

At 1:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm on my 8th night, i can't sleep, n these blogs really help me. My husband to is on his 8th night...I feel so much better, so energetic n I love it, but I don't sleep at night. Can anyone tell me when I will be able to sleep again?

At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On my 9th day as well, and man am I really feeling the withdrawl symptoms, especially fatigue !! I am never tired, but can't seem to get moving. Definately dragging! Also experiencing night sweats and disrupted sleep. Was a 1/2 pack or more smoker for 16 years. I never thought it would be this tough. Every time I think about the withdrawls symptoms and how easy it would be to make them go away I find your postings helpful, but most of all I think about my little daughter who will be two in August. I want to experience everything in her life, and know that this disease will simply cut short all of that. Keep strong evryone !

At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too am on my 9th day. I still want one soooo very badly. I am almost 51 and have smoked since I was 16 years old. The sleep is nil. I am using the nicotine gum and lozenges when the craving gets so bad I want to choke someone. I have no family or anyone to cheer me on. I am holding on to this thought. A cigarette is not going to change a thing. That and the fact that I have already saved 83.00. The quit app on my phone is a huge help reminder too. Everyone please hand in here. We can do it together !

At 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm on day 9 and I am going INSANE. Floods of tears, NO concentration, mania, itchy eyes. Keep forgetting to take deep breathes and let the moment diffuse. it does diffuse when you stop it from taking over. Thats what i'll do, sit hear and breath. This moment will pass and I will win.
Thanks for your blog, its helped me stay sane!

At 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quit app! Great idea x

At 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Day 9 - I'm in bed severely irritated, tired, grumpy, want to cry, anxious and watching (why quit) DVDs on you tube. Seems very self indulgent but this is the best gift I can give myself, ride the storm to become FREE! 20 years a smoker. Thought smoking was covering depression in me but listening to you all feeling like this is apparently normal. My face feels softer, I can taste food better, I seem to achieve more as in not out in the garden 20 times a day for 10mins puffing away. I will keep going until I beat this thing. Good luck, make your own luck, get FREE and stay FREE no excuses :) much love to you people x

At 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ps: go cold turkey no point replacing one drug with another, quitting cold turkey won't kill !

At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cold turkey Is the way to go! I tried with Nicotine replacement but any progress was set back by using the replacement. Patch just for day 1 should do it. after it's will power. Remember any failure is the key for success!
Learn too hate the smell of Ciggs!! Spend the time to learn how to hate, Just like you took the time to learn how too love them.

At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi all, on day 3 quitting smoking having no cravings but tired, no motivation. i am determined to kick the habit. this blog has really helped to carry. keep up the good work everbody.

At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, nice plug. No one needs your brand of poison chantex. Thanks though.

At 2:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its day 8 of being clean from smoking. I like to refer it to being clean because I feel clean. My car doesnt smell anymore, my clothes dont smell anymore, my hair doesnt smell like smoke anymore. Sometimes i think about going back, but I remind myself that day 1 was horrible and taking a "puff" will take me back to day 1. So it helps me to keep focusing on the good stuff when the cravings start.

I am a non-smoker and I am proud...

WE CAN DO IT!!!!Lets KICK the dirty habit!!!

At 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's day 9,feeling tired, lazy and sad. This 6th time trying but determing this time to say bye bye to this bad habit. Doing it for the love I have for my pregnant wife, She so much hate the habit, she don't like the smell. As well for my self, I fell fresh, healthy and smell good. Thanks for the blog. We can all do it together.

At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm on day 9 and I've hardly moved from my bed all day, I'm sitting here chewing my nicotine replacement knowing I need to go shopping, knowing if I do I'll cave in and buy some, I really don't want to go out, glad I've read this blog, I thought the tiredness was just me! Good luck all

At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Day 9 here. I feel like crap and I am climbing the walls. I can breathe though. I was having trouble breathing 9 days ago. Got mad and said no more! I read the worst is over in 2 weeks. Cold turkey, no nicotine replacement or pills. Just pure grit! Been smoking for 43 years.

At 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Day 9 here too and reading everyone's post, we are all going through the same withdrawel, it's sad that this little tobacco stick can control our bodies so much, I refuse to give in though, just need to make it through this day and I beleive tomorrow will be better. WTG to all of us..hugz *Deb*

At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Laneylou said...

Day nine and feeling tired, can't sleep properly but can breathe better and when I feel I want a ciggy i read upon copd and emphysema, as I watched my mum die at 52 from that crippling disease, and I realise I don't need one, good luck to everyone not smoking xxx

At 12:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

8 days without a single puff when I have a roommate that smokes about a pack a day in the living room. I smoked for more then 12 years and never tried to quiet, i did it all of the sudden, therefore you can do it as well.

At 6:03 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

9 days without a cigarette for me. It has been an easier ride than first thought of before the cancellation of those nasty cancer sticks. Easier in the sense that once you quit or several days under your belt without smoking, the temptations or urges to go bum one or buy a pack subside drastically. The hardest days were the first three days. Basically it was a major pychological effort on my behalf to instill the mental strength to not do it and to basically mentally accept that i am doing the right thing by quitting, especially when you concieve all of the negative health impacts that are caused when one smokes. Quitting smoking has been one of the smartest decisions i could of ever made in my life right now. It really isnt that bad..It is wonderful. Several times before i have tried to quit, but was unsucessful because i would give in to those mental thoughts that would say i want a cigarette or you need a cigarette. I really didnt need a cigarette or wasnt really even addicted to the nicotine...i really honestly think that it became more of a contious habit without rrally even thinking about and urge to do so.. sort of like breathing or walking.. ok, so 9 days in and i am staying for good. It is 7:00am and i have only gotten a couple of hours of sleep. Restlessness has been the biggest side effect for be in this transistion or cancelational process to a much more healthier lifesyle without cigarettes. I will stay strong live a health life. Bobby Hussey. Virginia.

At 1:34 PM, Anonymous said...

Day 9, hardly any sleep last night, a jelly mind trip today, like some dark cloud moving slowly around the mind. Smoke urge less , last a few mins then try to carry out work tasks . eating more , but enjoying meals... Yes like snacking out.. Rare of me with chocolates and alike, but hey so what . 4 biccys instead of a smoke, why note... Xtra waist bulge , so what .,, this month face the crave pain next month , gym to burn some access, im 49 next month , smoked since 17 .... Social, but sometimes binge smoking when in drink mode ... That's the next test ,,, drink without a tab ,,,, wow challenge is on... Don't want friends teasing with a smoke ... Will power :-)

At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

day 9 of being free after 35 years. Withdrawals are tough especially the insomnia. I chose to concentrate on the benefits of kicking this habit and deal with the negative side effects one at the time. Tomorrow is day 10. Double digits !!!!!!!! another few days and we all will feel better. hang in there fellow quitters we ARE DOING IT !!!!!


At 12:58 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Nice Post Love Reading Its

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At 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Day 9 - thought it would be easier than this by now, but to be honest the cravings only last a few minutes, and there are more positives than negatives. Have had a stressful year, losing my partner, home, job, possessions - even my cat, all in the space of 12 months, and thought I had a good excuse NOT to stop smoking. But really there never is a good time and we will always find some excuse to carry on with our addiction. We kid ourselves that smoking helps us relieve stress, but it's the nicotine withdrawal which stresses us out, hence the constant need for another cig. So though it's not easy, I am going to make a proper effort this time, and if I can do it, anyone can. It helps me to read what other people are going through and how they are feeling too.

At 7:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm day nine of quitting. I felt great yesterday but this morning I really wanted a cig though the feeling only lasted a few mins.don't give up people as one drag of a CIG will send your receptors in the brain crazy again and its really not worth it. I'm working on a 30 day rule of no cigarette s for one month to see how I go. for some reason the first few days of quitting it felt better in my head to think it was only for 30 days rather than facing forever. Its worked so far. Also I downloaded a quit now app which helps each day keeping me motivated. The money that's calculated that I have savefor the month of Jan I am going to donate to cancer research charity, just for the first month of quitting. This way I really won't buy a pack.

At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

9th day and feeling ok, apart from the tirdness, have to keep going for myself, getting good support from my 2 kids.

At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

9th day and feeling ok, apart from the tirdness, have to keep going for myself, getting good support from my 2 kids.

At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

day 9 cold turkey, feeling great. done hypnosis 9 days ago. truly helped me. also when i get anxieties, i take Holy Basil supplement. it calms me down. i have thks awful taste in my throat, i hope it goes away soon......i drink lots of ice water and green tea to detox.

i would not touch chantix. Cold Turkey, deep breathing and meditation.....hypnosis is the way to go. why poison yourself anymore? i am so disguisted with myself now, i can taste it too....all this shit i inhaled for the last 20 years is clearing up. i sound like a chain smoker because my throat is clearing up. every time i think of smoking i also think about how my pulse is back to normal and my blood pressure is normal again so i can exercise and feel good. i walked 4 miles tonight, had to carry my dog home. 10 days ago i would have been exhausted after half a mile.

so friends, please please.......when it gets rough, and you are dying to smoke just one think about how much better you feel without it. i am proud of myself, and all of you for standing up and quitting this shit habit for once. if you can find a hypnotist, i reccomend it highly. today is my day 9 and i have no more cravings.

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im on day 9 n its hard but everyday it get easier in 44 in i have been smoking over 20 years n if i can do it anybody can

At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Day 9 after 12 unable to sleep after over 35 years i am a none smoker ,thats the only possitive thing i can say , i hope i can carry on

At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Camilla said...

this very much resembles my own efforts to quit smoking habit potenzmittel bestellen

At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Justin said...

Today is my 9th day off the nasty habit! I smoked for 23 years and I have tried to quit many times before. This time feels different I think my mental state is the main difference every other time I have quit, I would be making excuses in my head like you really need one or even worse I would make a fight with my partner over nothing and then say “That’s it I am going for a smoke!” I can’t believe that I was that stupid, but I was so addicted to a drug that I would trick myself over and over. Well this time is different as I said before I have just stayed really positive from Day 1. I would say the first 3 days were the hardest and I have felt fatigued but I don’t smell, my skin is looking better, I can breathe better and my wife says that I am calmer and a better Dad to my kids. So for those out there trying like me to change their life for the better stay strong! not for anyone else but yourself! I would add that I listened to the audio book from Allan Carr the easy way around 1 year ago and even though I continued to smoke even after listening to it, this time when I quit a lot of the messages from his audio book have made my mental state stronger and made me ready for my new life without smoking. The funny thing is every time I quit in the past I felt like I was lost and I had lost my best friend well this time I kept reinforcing to myself that I have lost nothing I am only gaining my life back! Like you all I can’t believe how much time I dedicated to smoking and how much time I wasted smoking! Something else I did this time differently was all the quit attempts in the past I would hide from my smoking friends well this time I had lunch on Saturday with one of my closest friends who is still smoking and it was not an issue because I DIDN’T MAKE IT AN ISSUE! and after I got home I felt so proud and realized that I don’t need the smokes anymore!

At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

9 days can turn into 9 weeks still not sleeping but still a none smoker dont know how i did it but still smoke free and feeling good not stressed now

At 11:59 PM, Anonymous said...


I hope all is well with you. Healthline just published an infographic detailing the effects of tobacco smoke on the body. This is an interactive chart allowing the reader to pick the side effect they want to learn more about.

You can see the overview of the report here:

Our users have found our guide very useful and I thought it would be a great resource for your page:

I would appreciate it if you could review our request and consider adding this visual representation of the effects of smoking to your site or sharing it on your social media feeds.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

All the best,
Maggie Danhakl • Assistant Marketing Manager

Healthline • The Power of Intelligent Health
660 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 | @Healthline | @HealthlineCorp

About Us:

At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Justin said...

My 9 Days has now turned into 134 days at it just gets easier and easier in every way and every situation. Just stick strong in the first few weeks! I just wished I had done it years earlier!

At 4:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

9th day here. I look at it as ignoring a habit rather than suffering through a craving. Every time a get the "urge", I look for the humour in how nearly every thing I do has an association with smoking. I truly get a chuckle out of it and immense satisfaction knowing that I don't have to give in. I remind myself constantly of why I quit and how it's the only way to get to where I want to be. Good luck to all of you and stay strong.

At 4:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's my 9th Day. Quit in the past as well but startedd smoking again after 6 months of quitting. But this time will not do ever again.

Feeling dizzy & tired. Drank a lot of water & still feeling thirsty. Stomach is tight as if gas filled.

But feeling good.

Would request everyone who is trying to quit..DON'T BOOZ for some weeks unless u feel completely free.

All the best everyone.

At 2:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Day 9 for me also,,40 yrs of smoking ,,so glad I quit and feel free at last,,, had much more stress when I was smoking, all this free time I'm loving it. I'm not a drinker so that won't be a problem. One day at a time and it's working.Thanks everyone♥

At 11:01 PM, Blogger Craig said...

Day 8 here. Using the patch. Seems to take the edge off. Still get cravings, but I know it's all from the habit. My plan is to beat the habit and then the nicotine.

At 11:01 PM, Blogger Craig said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:01 PM, Blogger Craig said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coming in at day 8 , quoitnow app cigs not smoked 232,money saved $145,time saved 23:13
I'm feeling so much better. Don't think about those nasty disgusting cigs their nothing but poison!!!

At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you all for sharing. I, on my 9th day as well. The insomnia hit me for the first time last night. Couldn't get out of the bed this morning. Feeling exhausted, having headaches.. This is a sharp contrast to last week...where I felt great. Surprisingly, I'm less anxious than I was used to smoke. I'm sticking to it bc I desire to feel free and healthy. But today is def one of the hardest days....I was given the recommendation of finding a creative outlet to focus cooking, painting, knitting....

Stay strong and keep looking for ways to overcome the cravings. Short term strife for a lifetime of breathing easily....good luck!

At 6:08 PM, Blogger gimath said...

There are all sorts of methods to quit smoking, the more outlandish the more serious, not to mention all the techniques and tips that are passed by word of mouth.

Here here the most soft method, that Dr. Philippe Presles, physician and tobacco specialist, offers its friends and clients.

At 6:13 PM, Anonymous quit smoking said...

There are all sorts of methods to quit smoking, the more outlandish the more serious, not to mention all the techniques and tips that are passed by word of mouth.

Here here the most soft method, that Dr. Philippe Presles, physician and tobacco specialist, offers its friends and clients.

At 1:50 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Nice, Really helpful content. I happen to have some of the highly lucrative Quit Smoking Tips that will surely turn up into something healthy.

At 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

love all these comments,im on day 9 as well ,cold turkey quit as i believe its the best way,no patches or gums or vapourizers,get rid of all nicotine straight away, accept that this is gonna be tough,i chew gum at work,eat alot more,go for walks,drink water and bought a smoothie maker to blend up fruit and help with recovery, i am 40 been smoking for 25 years and havent tried to quit before,just had enough now and dont think i will start again ,i have stayed away from drinking,socialising and whenever i get strong cravinngs i just read all the quit stories and read all the benefits of quitting,so i recommend the website whyquit ,it is all about cold turkey quitting and to never take another puff,because even 1 single puff is a relapse and if you are on nicotine replacements they are useless because eventually you are going to have to withdrawal from the nicotine so the sooner the better,it is sort of getting easier but i have been smoking a little pot in joint form and it is not bad when you are quitting and not as bad as nicotine,will try quit that after the smokes, day 1-3 was terrible,after that a little easier but day 7 and 8 where hard,are hoping it to be easier soon,i like how people laugh atthe cravings ,i think that is a good way to deal with it, am having trouble sleeping as well,but i think its the coffee,it becomes so much stronger when you quit smoking as well as everything else tasting nicer and breathing easier,well done to everyone tring to quit and lets beat this bullshit and try and help anyone else we know,smoking fucking sux,,and if i can do this cold turkey anyone can,still early days but i dont wanna stink like shit ever again,stay strong everyone,with a smile.....

At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi It's day 9 for me and I'm feeling really bad I can't sleep feeling really irritated want a cigarette but I know its not good for me so why bother smoking knowing later on it can kill me quitting smoking is really hard but I'm not going to give up on myself.Goodluck to everyone

At 7:12 PM, Blogger Winston said...

Just quit cold turkey, it's not hard I quit and I smoked for 20+years. Keep yourself occupied, urge to smoke will only bother you for 5 days and that too every 5 or 6 hours. Don't go for any pill or patch, you control your life not cigarettes.

At 6:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm curious as to how the cold turkey went for you , I'm using patches only because I abruptly stopped medication and another substance this year and that was hellish I don't think my mental health could handle a full on withdrawal again, I'm down to 2mg by cutting patch and thinking it doesn't make me weak using a replacement it's actually helping me 100percent to go through it a lot easier than you crazy lot I have had no feelings or cravings like your emailers have been describing its sheer bliss to wean myself off just like a baby �� What matters is is that we all get there in the end , anyway thank you for reading xx

At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cold turkey, day 9! I'm so happy to be a non-smoker again. I quit one time before some years ago but started back up because ultimately I quit for the wrong reason. My boyfriend almost died back in 2010 and after being in ICU for three weeks and having surgery to repair his left lung, he finally ended up being diagnosed with COPD. He was on oxygen after he got out of the hospital and due to the severity of his condition, I quit. But this quit is different. This quit is for me. I want to be healthy. I want to live life and enjoy it. I dont want to spend another day taking my health for granted, especially when so many are not as fortunate. Life is a precious gift. Let's not waste another day choking ourselves to death. Death is permanent, and life is too beautiful. My boyfriends COPD is getting worse. It's a progressive disease. He cant do much physically anymore. Its just too hard for him. His quality of life has been diminished greatly thanks to cigarettes. I know Im only on day 9, but still...I sincerely hope that anyone interested in quitting will realize that they have the courage and strength to do so. And more importantly, believe that you're worth it. That you deserve to be healthy, happy, and free. Because you do deserve that. We all do. Good luck, and God bless.

At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cold turkey, day 9! I'm so happy to be a non-smoker again. I quit one time before some years ago but started back up because ultimately I quit for the wrong reason. My boyfriend almost died back in 2010 and after being in ICU for three weeks and having surgery to repair his left lung, he finally ended up being diagnosed with COPD. He was on oxygen after he got out of the hospital and due to the severity of his condition, I quit. But this quit is different. This quit is for me. I want to be healthy. I want to live life and enjoy it. I dont want to spend another day taking my health for granted, especially when so many are not as fortunate. Life is a precious gift. Let's not waste another day choking ourselves to death. Death is permanent, and life is too beautiful. My boyfriends COPD is getting worse. It's a progressive disease. He cant do much physically anymore. Its just too hard for him. His quality of life has been diminished greatly thanks to cigarettes. I know Im only on day 9, but still...I sincerely hope that anyone interested in quitting will realize that they have the courage and strength to do so. And more importantly, believe that you're worth it. That you deserve to be healthy, happy, and free. Because you do deserve that. We all do. Good luck, and God bless.

At 8:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is day #9 for me of no smoking. So far the worst days for me were 3 & 4. Terrible cravings and anxiety from wanting a cigg. I fought through it. It's getting easier now with less cravings. I drink so much water. That helps alot too. & I just keep reminding myself if I get a cigg all my hard work will be in vain. Plus, I know smoking a cigg right now will make me very sick from the sudden rush of nicotine... Like to the point where I would throw up! So it's really not worth it. I've smoked since I was 18. I'm 32 now. Time for change. Also, I'm doing this for my 9 yr old son who I love dearly. Good Luck everyone. & Stay Strong.

At 5:29 AM, Anonymous James said...

I quit now over a month ago, but I used e cigs, they are fantastic started with the cloudcig now using joyetech.

At 5:06 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Stop Smoking Following Simple Home Remedies

A fresh really difficult task to Quit Cigarette Smoking if a person becomes a cycle smoker. You might have made a true number of resolutions in order to quit smoking, but have a person succeeded in giving up this particular habit?

At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ive been a smoker for the past 30 years of my life. My 9th day of quitting cold turkey.... I feel my stomach is full of air, just a feeling though... Im so iritated. Now my head is so heavy.. Lying for 2 hours, i still cant sleep. .. I know i can make it...... I believe.... Mind over matter.....

At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep going. I'm on day 9, been smoking for well over twenty years.

At 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cold turkey and you're most likely to fail. I'm using nicotine gum

At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope we can Debz. Good luck and determination to us all

At 4:54 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Day 9 for me. Breathing is good. Can feel the air go down so smooth. Runny nose getting better. Cravings are getting better. Rarely one or two occasionally. Crossing the river one step at a time. You guys out there, stay strong. We will make it together out of this. Peace.

At 7:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I was so sick with bronchitis ,couldn't hardly breathe .I put the cigarettes down 9 days ago .The first few days were easy as I was so sick I didn't want it . I am 58 and smoked for 44 yrs .Cravings aren't to bad last only a few minutes .I just have to stay strong and never take the first puff.I cant wait til its 90 days

At 6:07 PM, Anonymous Ricardo said...

quiting smoking is a neverending story to me, hopefully you managed it

At 2:45 PM, Blogger jhon said...

they might result in a variety of internal worry in addition to foreseeable future over emotional health issues using a years to come. ways to quit smoking

At 3:48 AM, Anonymous PJ said...

Its my ninth day. I had a lot of booze last night. I didn't felt to have a smoke than, but now in afternoon my teeth are craving and I'm grinding them lol. But just one thing is on my mind" never ever touch that shit again". Been hooked for 10 years but now will live for 100 years ;)

At 4:10 AM, Anonymous PJ said...

Cold Turkey is the best way to quit, just think of your life and how beautiful it could be without nicotine. Our body doesn't even need this nicotine to release dopamine. Just find other ways of pleasure like have sex, play your best sport hang out with your love ones. Realize how people have been affected by this shit. Just don't do it anymore, its not hard. Man up, our bodies can be modify itself as per changes . Everything is in your thoughts. Be positive. We have only got one life after death no one knows what happens. Live your life joyfully and enjoy with your love ones. Don't waste your life any further, just stop smoking right now. Think again before you light one more. Every puff of smoke you taking in is pulling you one step further to your death. Have you taken birth to smoke, think again, No!!! Do what ever you do, just don't bother to smoke any more. One life.

At 8:03 AM, Blogger Gat Wal said...

Rena: I'm on my day 8 of not smoking, I feel great, perhaps I'm right behind you. Don't give up. Don't give in. I been going through withdrawal symptoms and craving moments time after time. So I keep myself a pack of gums, sometimes candy will help you distract your craving for cigarettes. All I'm saying you're not along. Hang in there, by the way God bless you. Keep up the Great work.

At 11:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. Day 8 for me. This is my second attempt at quitting. The first time I quit for about a month, but I let my guard down on my junkie thoughts. One night out drinking I had a smoke (or a few). But they travel in packs. Before I knew it, I had smoked the whole pack and was at the shop to get another. This time I will not let my guard down. I know this time I will be a non-smoker for good! Reading peoples' success stories and hearing that other people are in the same boat with their withdrawals is so helpful. Seeing you all staying so motivated helps keep my motivation up. I was a pack a day smoker for 17 years. Whenever I get the urge to smoke, I try to remember the first time I ever tried a cig. I was with a friend behind a Timmies (Canadians will know what that is). She smoked and I thought she was the coolest person I knew. I tried. I coughed and it HURT my chest. I had to try so hard to learn how to be a smoker. I had to try so hard to convince myself I liked smoking. It all seems so silly now. I use this story to remind me that I never liked smoking. I liked not being in withdrawal from smoking. Big difference! Now, 8 days in, the physical cravings are just about gone. I still think of smoking and when I do certain things, I feel like I am forgetting something. Every day is a little easier. My sleep at night is way better than in was the first couple of days after quitting. The reason you feel tired, even if you ate sleeping, is because nicotine binds to the acetylcholine receptors in the brain. This is one of the brain chemicals responsible for alertness and concentration. As a smoker, your brain STOPS producing acetylcholine. It takes about 2 weeks to one month for your brain to regulate the production of this chemical, depending on how heavy a smoker you were. So hang in there. It will get better. The brain will regulate and you will get back that pep in your step. It's science! Congrats to everyone out there on your quit. We've got this!

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Great job 9 days nonsmokers like myself I have quit several times Cold Turkey each time once 4 over 2 yrs... Slight headache, Very Tired & Insomnia but with God's grace & all of Ur Comments I got this Mind over Matter Go Go Go We R Nonsmokers...

At 4:54 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


At 4:02 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Day 9, insomnia, irritations and all withdrawal symptoms are gone. I am enjoying my life now


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