Goddamned Day 7
Ok. What I would like to know is why I feel like shit. Shouldn't I feel better? My diet is awesome - always has been - I exercise regularly - always have done. I'm not smoking - no poison into me or anything like that. I'm drinking lots of water. I'm paying attention to the things that need attention. It's been a week. Why don't I feel better??
((sigh)) I did sleep much better last night - within the boundaries of what I would consider "normal" for me. I'm just so... irritable. I'm high strung to begin with, a person who has had to really get a handle on stress and anxiousness for health reasons. About six or seven years ago I wound up in the hospital, unable to draw a deep breath. I thought, of course, that there was something physiologically wrong with me, but there wasn't. I needed to let off some of the stress - thus ensued the exercise. And I can't lie, here. There's a certain immediate calming effect to smoking a cigarette. Since I've quit I've been much more likely to have shallow breathing (though nothing like before) and I'm a tad concerned that I haven't planned for how I will deal with increased anxiousness due to decreased nicotine. Suggestions, anyone??
I'm sure the whole irritable-snappish-pissed off-frustrated thing will handle itself - I'm just interested in what I can do, non-medically (e.g., I don't want to take medication) to relax and not be so anxious.
Yup, sounds like withdrawal to me. Funny, how you can get to become dependent on a poison.
Probably your best bet is to keep doing what you've been doing: eat right, get lots of exercise, wear yourself out so you can sleep all night. Jump Mr. RF and wear him out too, then he'll sleep all night and not wake you up snoring.
I forgot to mention, the “calming effect” is one of the excuses that The Boy uses to justify smoking (at least to himself).
Rena, I lost three Uncles to Cancer in less than a years time. None of them related to the other. The first to Bone cancer from Agent Orange, then a Great Uncle to Prostate Cancer, and lastly one to Lung Cancer. At his Funeral they had a bowl of Peppermints with a note saying, "Take one of Charlies Cigarettes".
You have my Moral support.
I hope your kitty is ok, mlk... I have two kitties and I adore them. If they got sick that would be a real problem.
I never took to yoga but I have taken to pilates - it requires complete and total concentration. It seems to work for me.
Also - did you know that just an ounce of chocolate gives you a seratonin boost? I do that and a shot of Jack Daniels before the band plays. ;-) Calms my nerves!!
I also added an entry to the blog - my "one week summary". Hehe.
http://www.quitsmokingonline.com/aboutus.htm This really helped me to get my mind around the whole emotional connection to smoking. I am also a very anxious person and realized that having a smoke is really doing nothing for me, I only think it is...
I'm on day 7 11/25/2008 - did you
stay quit? I feel pretty good other
than not sleeping well - last nite
better - I have started and quit
several times the last few years
I used Chantix 2x - from what I'm
reading about Chantix I guess I'm
lucky I didn't kill my husband or
myself!!! So cold turkey this
time - working the 12 steps on
it as in all addicitions!
I stopped smoking4 days ago after smoking for 30 years. I feel like dogshit! Not the urges, (those I can handle) but the lightheadedness, the feeling of a low grade fever, the aches and pains - ain't worth it. If this is what you'll define as good living, you can have it.
4 day and I want to smoke! do not want eat ! only drink water very angry and frustrated and trapped I think this non smoking bullshit is over rated!
i quit 7 days ago, the worst is over, after 72 hours,i felt a bit optimistic about my success. now ,after 7 days, i absolutely think that i succeeded in quitting this basd habit. never again.
I used to hear about people quitting colding turkey,but i never thought possible, well, i did quit COLD TURKEY, no,gum,no patch, no zyban .nothing,
I'm on Day 7 of quitting cold turkey after smoking for about 12 years. The worst of my physical symptoms occurred at Days 2 and 3, but I still spend a LOT of time thinking about how much I'd enjoy smoking a cigarette. The sad truth is, I would just smoke one cigarette; I'd go right back to a pack a day, and I want to be DONE with this health-sabotaging, smelly, nasty, expensive habit. FYI, I tried Chantix about a year-and-a-half ago and HATED it!!! My mood and thought patterns felt weird, and I had TERRIBLE nightmares! Never again!
I made a typo in the comment I just made. I should've typed, "...I wouldn't have just one cigarette...", not "I would have..."
I quit smoking cold turkey 7 days ago. I didnt have heartburn when I smoked but I do now. Has anyone else experienced this?
heartburn! Yep i also had that. And headaches as well as drymouth. On day 7 now... But although physical symptoms gone i stil feel a part of me is missing however am sure it wil pass
I had heart burn on day 4! so I looked it up... its normal I guess your body is building tissue! This causes your body to focus on that. Your digestive track is rebuilding all over your body and is being force to work in a whole new way (the right way) without a drug. I would highly recommend reading whyquit.com. For me I said screw the eat right and be healthy... currently there is no substitute for a cigarette but I have bags of candy. I would rather gain a few pounds than die by not being able to breath.
Im at day 7 non smoking, Ive smoked since i was 15, Im now 33 and realised sooner or later it will catch up with me so here we go. Let me tell you, Ive never had a worse feeling, constant head pain, not sleeping, palms sweating - Feeling like im going insane, emotional, weepy, angry, you name it Ive been there in last 7 days !! I must say, Still feel like utter crap but its not as bad as day 4 and 5 - Im hoping this feeling go soon as im not going to smoke regardless of what that evil devil in my mind is trying to do. You have kids, Its not fair, I dont believe anyone can burn £6.50 a day on cigs when u got kids - Ive had my rant and feel better already - If your reading this, Keep stopped - Or stop now whist you got chance
Yep 1977 I began to smoke and now it's 2011 long long time to smoke be cool burn a hole in my car seat spill ashtrays yada yada. Once I figured out the surgar levels minus the intake of cigs per day I was able to curb the fits. Fits are HARD and I'm telling you that it's the lack of sugar nicotien give me that suddenly make a smoker awear that he needs to replace it . Jelly beans bananas Chocolate milk work good. Eat all your meals my friends it will help.
By 7 days you beging to realize that your in control Alph of Spokane WA
I am on day 33 cold turkey. It must be different for all but my experience is go with it, although tough it is worth it. I have found the cravings to be the same with intensity however fewer of them each day. it does take grit.
s in wa
Day 7 for me too, and I've found it the hardest so far. It's the first time I've been seriously tempted to buy cigarettes, I thought I was past that!
I will not smoke. I will not smoke. I will not smoke.
It has been 45 days. I used what's called an "E" cigarette. It is an electronic cigarette. I know of 3 people that have quit using it and I must say it has been almost easy. I do have bad heartburn though. I remember trying to quit before and developing bad heartburn. Hope that goes away soon. I highly recommend the e-cigarette.
Day 7 for me... Life feels better already, but, I'm sO annoyed.. About little stuff and my mind is going crazy! My house has never been cleaner though. I'm trying to stay busy & it's actually not as hard to do, I CAN BREATH!!! Haaa!! But, I'm pissssssy!! I can do this, it will get easier with time & I'm so glad to be rid of such a nasty habit! Good luck all
I was spending $100 per week on smokes. I am also on to day 7 and I still feel like a smoke. I have spent about $159 worth of lollies. If i am not eating then I want a smoke. When do the cravings stop?
I am on day 8 and still every so offten I think of a cigarette but not where I would go buy any.I love the feeling of not having to go outside and smoke while at dinner. I still have the heartburn a little and that to is getting better. Just stay with the program don't let your mind ever think you can take a simple drag it will be your death sentence. I love not having to buy them and try to figure out where I'm going to get the money when down to the last $10.00 a couple days before payday.
I just keep busy cooking, baking, cleaning, taking the dog for a walk whatever it takes.The only time I really think about having one is right after I eat but that to is more of a passing thought not really an urge.
Keep going never give in because your already a nonsmoker believe it. because a smoker is defined as someone who smokes and you don't.
Here's to a Happy Smokefree Life!!!!
7 Days clean withdawls made me sick but i am doing better every day. i had to call in sick to work on day 3,4,and 5. Today i wanted to smoke but to start over now would be stupid and painful nomore for me thanks for lisoning keep going strong cold turky is not fun but has the best stay quit rep.
I'm also on day 7, morning's were my hardest time. day 1 and 2 but got through it. now it don't bother me I think of another cigg and then I think of having to start over again no way stay strong people.
hi everyone, I on day 9 today and doing ok!! i have smoked for over 20 yrs so i still in shock that I have done 9 days... First 3 days were the worst ever but i got through it with the help of patches (middle Dose) I just wish someone had told me abt day 7 wich was as hard as day 1 I wld have eaten a carpet tile if I thought it wld have been like a ciggie.. Had a major stressful thing happen last night and i got thru ot withhout smoking!! I have given up before for a while but always had a odd puff here and there this time I dont ever want to put one near my mouth again. I am just soooooooo lookin forward to thinking oh i have gone all day and night and not thought of smoking.
I am also on day 7 of not smoking. The nicotine withdrawal wasn't bad. Today I'm having some mental cravings,but I will not smoke again.I have smoked for 36 years and so far have not developed any horrible disease.My eyes are open and its as simple as this (If I dont stop smoking I will die) way before my time, in a horribly painful way.Its that simple.
This comment has been removed by the author.
i Im on day 7 and feel like its as bad as day one, Carpet tile... Yes I would have eaten it if if were a ciggarette.I cant wait to not want one ever. My mind is consumed by the thoughts. Although I did go to a wedding on day 3 and had an amazing night without a ciggarette. I didnt have a hang over the next day as I would have after smoking a pack. BTW im 51 and have smoked since I was 28.
i gave up smoking for 3 years a couple of years ago felt like rubbish and for other reasons started again felt pretty good needed it Ive now given up again for 4 months and i feel worse then i ever have its all over rated but i suppose you might get to live a bit longer in this shit world with the government telling you what to do and not to do but at least this time ive got the help to stay off um good luck everyone for giving up
For all you folks who say you're on day 1,2,8,20 etc of quitting but are using the patch, gum, lozenge, or other nicotine substitute, guess what, you're not even on day 1 of quitting! You're # of days of quitting do not start until you QUIT nicotine. News flash - the physical act of quitting smoking is not difficult, it's quitting NICOTINE that's the hard part. My advice, suck it up, go cold turkey for 14 days, and you'll get through it. Trust me.
Day 7 cold turkey. I feel great. The slight heatburn is going away. My throat still feels a little swollen but that's getting better & I'm starting to sleep better. I made a decision that I am not that person(a smoker). I'm so happy to be done with those f'n things.
I have been smoking for 20 years and now am on day 6 - really strugglig I was dreaming of smoking yesterday - so far i have managed to resist though i am really struggling
Whew, day 7 without a cig; actually I was using the patch,and smoking two a day, then I started keeping count on the day I did not have a cig; Thursday January 5th then on Sunday January 8th I stopped using the patch(irritating) my skin, and no cigs; so I was actually going to get the nicotine out of my system. I tell you what, I feel like crap, just like the rena or gd day 7 commentor. I keep saying dont mess it up by smoking again, but I felt soooooo much better when I smoked. I may have smelled, but I was happy. I had energy, I was smiling ! Now I am in a horrible mood, I can understand everyones comments; i am like what the crap, I'd rather smoke than feel this bad. This bites !! I dont know what to do tho, should I just go back to maybe two cigs a day? I dont want to go thru more body crap , or depression crap.
This is day 7 for both my husband and I, and it sucks. Days 1-3 were the worst for us.We knew it was going to suck whether we used a stop smoking aid or not, so we chose not to spend the extra money and just go cold turkey. For whatever reason it's sucked much more for him.....or in my opinion he's just being a big ass baby. Of course it sucks. If it didn't suck you wouldn't have waited 15 yrs to stop flushing your money and health down the drain. But like they say, no pain no gain, right? There is an end to the torment if you can remain focused on the goal. If my husband and I can manage to do this at the same time, in the same house and not be divorced by now I figure there's great hope for anyone. Lord knows, I'm not getting moral support from the man repeating a 100 times a day that this quitting crap is all my fault....but he's sticking to it, so I'll take it any way I can get it. Good luck guys and gals!!!
I have smoked for over thirty two years and was just diagnosed with bladder cancer. I never knew that it is the number one cause. I had to quit counting the days it was making me crazy. I just know its been roughly a month and 1/2. I just have to remind myself that Bladder cancer is the most reoccuring if you keep smoking. Hardest thing I have ever had to do. The cravings are less but when they come are very overwhelming. Its like a double edge sword love the fact I do not smoke and stink anymore but I feel like I have lost a friend of sorts. I just keep praying for the resolve to keep it going one day at a time.
Day 7 for me too and I have given up a habit that I really like.I know all the health and financial reasons that are suppsed to be a motivation for keeping off cigarettes but the only thing driving me not to smoke is one thing.
That is if I had one puff then I would have to face Day one again and I really don't want to go through that again...
Day 7 cold turkey...Day 6 major irritable and not a nice person to be around...I made it though without giving in...feel like I'm not myself...kinda sick feeling, dull headache and waking up with major dry mouth and congestion that i have to get out of me like a cold...has to be the nicotine etc...how long before its all gone...I'm not going back to them...noway in hell...I apologize to those around me as I get through this crap...I'm just not myself...
Greetings all Day 7 quitters. Can't begin to tell you how much these blogs have helped me not feel so alone and so insane. So...thanks everyone for sharing the pain. Day 6 was the pits for me...actually put a cig in my mouth and was ready to light it cause the 'what's the point of quitting' demon was in my head. Managed to resist somehow (thought of day 1 maybe) and today is much better. Never,never,never want to go through this again, so am hanging tough. Oh, I've smoked for 30 years...seriously feel like I was the most addicted person ever...so don't lose the faith people...you can do it!!! Every minute, hour, day is a victory.
day 7 for me today too but ....i got stressed and end up have 5 cigs i am so pissed off with myself i hate the health effects and know how much better i felt off them i now stink my house does too i HATE IT i wanna get rid of this addiction tomorow is smoke free again and lets hope it last this time...
Well after smoking for 30 years, today is day 7 for me, and I dont really care when someones saying its not day 7 because i used patches. It is day 7 that I have not inhaled smoke and filthy chemicals. I stopped patches on day 5 due to leaving my skin bumpy. Ive been really good, but watching the footy last night their was a conversation in my head, saying that i could have 1 smoke because normally in a week i would smoke maybe 180 smokes, so 1 smoke wont do any harm. haha well i didnt do it, good luck to everyone and dont stress if you do give in because you can always start again. Shaz
Day 7. Back at work and having a hard time focusing. I will not smoke but when will I feel better. I love cinnimon jolly ranchers and exercising. I took I break from exercising this weekend but will start again today. Thanks everyone for sharing....we can do it
But then you have to go through quitting the e-cig. If rather just quit once thanks, not replace the habit. I know people who have just become addicted to the ecig for almost a year, and go right back to smoking because you never really quit.
Cold turkey for me!
today is day 7 for me ...i quit thru alcohol poisoning...i stopped drinking on the same day ...gave up coffee too ...i think i might have given myself brain damage and destroyed the part of my brain that holds addiction ..i have had minor cravings increased appetite for healthy food .. every time you crave have a cup of tea whilst you distract yourself with creative thoughts :) good luck
55 and started smoking at 13. I quit January 1st of the year. I used gum and had no idea that crap was more addicting than smokes. Look it up, more nicotine! I quit those and went cold turkey. I made it until mid march. I felt like crap. My stomach was in knots, heartburn, ect. I smoked again. I felt better but not "right". I never got back to my full smoking habit. Turns out my gallbladder has gone bad. I am on day 7 of a new quit. Trying to get over the urge to smoke today. I know from past quits this year, in 2 weeks I will be over the worst of it. Half way there! It is like learning to ride a bike. If you fall off, jump back on and try again. BTW, that voice lied in the past... that smoke wasn't very good and it made me dizzy. It stinks too. Good luck!
Day 7 cold turkey. Didn't even plan to quit, just decided cuz of baby. Last night had the smoking dream everyone was talking about. Day 3 was bad, today, just urges mainly waking up at night, dry throat and heartburn. Think about that drag very often and even fantasize about doing it.. with deep breaths when I really need a drag. My brother quit cold turkey some 11 years ago, he's still clean. I asked him about when the urges go away.. his answer - believe it or not, he still has them once in a while and even dreams about smoking. I guess you just have to stay strong, and the demon never leaves, so you have to be stronger than him. Good luck everyone. My only regret is, I should have planned to quit and had a PROPER last drag. It was really a lousy last three ciggys I had, while giving my staff a lecture on discipline. I ran out of smokes in the middle of that, and never bought another pack... Now it hangs on me.. what would it have been like if I had known that was to be my last ciggarette?? Wish I could... but I know it would taste and smell crappy now.. and I'm sure I'd get dizzy, and then go through the last 7 days again... don;t know if I could, or would want to again so better hang on to this quit.
Wow! This page rocks!!!
I've smoked for last 20 yrs/pack a day. I I too am on 7th non smoking day (cold turkey), and truth be told it sucks.
I see so many smokers lately, and my mind (the bed voice) tells me that all these folks are doing fine, why did you have to go through this hell???
But, being here, listing to all of you "quitters", I feel much much better that I quit.
Thank you all!!!
I Quit smoking on independence day . This is day 6. Turned evil at times but im trying to hang on (ahhhhhhhh) Hope theyll hang with me. Should've took a vacation from work as I have to be nice to people. :) :)) :))) Was Soo tempted to smoke yesterday and today but have resisted the urge. Hang in there all ;no matter how u do it ,just do it ,stay strong! Fight the monster.
Fight the monster
Scream and shout
Close the door
Keep him out
Eyes closed tight
Pray once more
To keep up the fight
---- c.a.g.----
on day 7 of not smoking, did the cold turkey yesterday was my worse day could not stop crying and have been fighting back the tears all day. Determined to kick this horrible addiction but wondered if anyone else has had this probelm, Also my sleep is really disrupted I am waking up almost hourly and also can't get back to sleep after 5.30 am
DAY 7 Cold Turkey 30 year Habbit.
Two days off and at home not helping.Im over the physical now just the mental. I seem to have more trouble when it rains as it is about to do now. Something about Rain is a trigger for me. Anyone else? I love smoking and Still do. Just tired of paying the $$$ for em. They finally out priced me. And with me and my wife thats a lot of Mulla.
Day 4, noooo ciggies...quit cold turkey on my 36th bday, started when I was 12. We can do it!!
Day 7 for me. Ended up staring at myself in the mirror for a good 3 or 4 mins trying to decide if i should go and buy some - as a kind of reward for making 7 days -- couple of mins passed and i realized what a crazy idea/thought it was. Tricky arguing with yourself! Keep telling myself to make it through today and tomorrow will be a bit better. Lets kick this f'n drug for good!
Day 6 for me and somehow harder than day 5 was. I still am horribly sick with some kind of bronchial infection that ensued my second day of not smoking. I feel worse than I have in I can't remember how long which is disappointing because I thought after almost a week of not having a cigarette, I would feel amazing or something. I'm not giving up, but I'm still having mental and physical cravings. I know cold turkey isn't easy but it's the best way to do it. Get all the crap over with at once and be done with it. I just am looking forward to the day when I will really feel like a non smoker, instead of just a smoker who can't have a smoke.
Daf 7 for me - I am really glad to have found this blog as I thought I was going crazy, day 7 is worse than any other day so far!!! Been a smoker for over 30 years and part of me thinks what's the point of stopping now.
My chest feels really tight and tense as if I need to have a good cough.
All I want to do is go back to normal and have a cigarette !
And I am so irritable!! Feels like I'm going crazy but sounds like I'm not alone in that, thank you all for sharing your experiences,
The Tubbster
This is day 8 for me. I'm wearing a 14mg patch and the only thing I care about is that I don't smoke. Sometimes I just go to bed early to end the day thinking tomorrow will be easier. I make myself go to the gym and then surprisingly, I feel better, and more confident that, "hey I can do this". Sometimes I just walk away from conversations with people if I begin to feel stress, it may seem rude but I tell myself that the only thing that matters is that I don't smoke. I feel as if I didn't have the choice to smoke anymore. I simply couldn't catch my breath, and my circulation is terrible. No sense in seeing a doctor; he'd just tell me to quit. For now, I do whatever I want regardless of what I need to be doing, just to put more time between me and my last cigarette. If it gets bad enough, (the urge to smoke) I've already decided to take some time off work.
The bad dreams have stopped now.
A few drinks before bed helps me sleep through the night.
Hey...We've got this!
Day 7: Physically OK but boy it's Sunday and I am craving one. Funny ay? All you want is fill your lungs with poison. It’s tough I am thinking of it – I want it. Not allowed to give in though.
Monday to Friday is easier – you work, you have structure.
“Thank God It’s Monday” instead of “Thank God it’s Friday” in the world of an ex smoker.
Can’t wait for the sun to rise and greet day 8.....................
I am on day 7 and feel terrible. So good to see I am not alone.
I smoked from the age of 15 to 39, then I managed to stop for 15 years - not sure how as I was a pack a day woman.
Then I start again and have been doing a pack of day for the past 3 years.
I was coughing really badly and wheezing. Lung cancer is s horrible death and I want to live longer than I would if I continued with the horrible weed.
I have just had a major freak out at my husband. Totally angry and crazy. Can't sleep properly. Dry mouth. Constantly thirsty.
I am determined to get through this, but I hate it!!!!
Eat a cannibus Rice Crispy treat and get hiiiiiii! That will help :)
Thought I Would drop a comment. I'm on day 4, the little man in my mind yells smoke me, a few times a day, sometimes he yells for a few minutes sometimes more. He's been going for a few hrs now, I'm starring at my brothers smokes on the table, I ain't touching them though, this little man can yell and yell as much as he wants, he can go and get fkd. I'm not trying to quit, i just quit, period! I'm the boss, I'm gunna look better, feel better and be better than I've ever been before, I can't wait for that moment when my confidence blasts into the air and I can breath with ease. Mmmm yes please. No way is it easy, this little man in my mind is like a a stain that needs to be rubbed and rubbed until it vanishes, and soon he will be gone...Good luck everyone, we are all struggling to improve ourselves, well done to us :)
Thought I Would drop a comment. I'm on day 4, the little man in my mind yells smoke me, a few times a day, sometimes he yells for a few minutes sometimes more. He's been going for a few hrs now, I'm starring at my brothers smokes on the table, I ain't touching them though, this little man can yell and yell as much as he wants, he can go and get fkd. I'm not trying to quit, i just quit, period! I'm the boss, I'm gunna look better, feel better and be better than I've ever been before, I can't wait for that moment when my confidence blasts into the air and I can breath with ease. Mmmm yes please. No way is it easy, this little man in my mind is like a a stain that needs to be rubbed and rubbed until it vanishes, and soon he will be gone...Good luck everyone, we are all struggling to improve ourselves, well done to us :)
hello all i am on day 4 using patches. the cravings are easy during the day but im waking in the night and then up for
2-3 hours REALLY wanting one. thankfully no 24 hour shops near me. anyone else get the cravings in the middle of the night?
If you think that sucks try quitting while getting dumped. My gf of 14 months decided that I deserved to get the boot on the 7th day of my quit because apparently she couldn't take me anymore. Cried like a baby in public ( the bitch that she was dumped me at the airport), airports are stressful places anyhow...went straight back to smoking as couldn't handle the new emotions. Once I started to
Evaluate what I really wanted from life it hit me like a ton of bricks! Smoking had altered my personality and changed into something I was not. It gave me a sense of false security and a fall back because no matter what happened, I could get my fix and get on with it. But that's not how it works. You react to
I started at 18 smoking cloves and was a pack/day by age 20. It is now just before my 27th birthday and I quit 8 days ago. The urge to smoke to help calm me down is ridiculously strong today while I am dealing with dumb people at work. My mental justification - it is better to smoke then to get fired for punching someone in the face. Keeping my fingers crossed I don't do either!
I feel like Gollum. "My precious" is a cig. One moment I will be all right and the next I will be thinking about the piles of half smoked cigs in the butt can just outside of where I work. Must... resist...the...power...of...the... cig!
Perhaps I can identify the sexy blond's cig by the deep red lipstick she wears and smoke it! What a babe; smoking one of her half cigs wouldn't be so bad would it?
I'm standing there with my hand in the butt can when I hear a sound. I turn around and there she is, her lip curled in disgust. I say the first thing that comes to mind. "I dropped my gum" And my ears turn red closely followed by my face. I return to my desk defeated by the evil cig even without smoking it. Somewhere the gods are laughing.
I will be rid of you even though I WILL CRAVE YOU TIL THE DAY I DIE!!!!
I'm on day 5 . This is my 2nd time quitting. Its hard but cold turkey the way to go. I feel like crud with cranky days and heartburn & feels like chest will explode.
Mouth sore and dry.
We can do this
Day 5 For Me..I Don't Care How You Do It (Patches, Chantix, Gum, Etc.) Quitting Smoking Is A Huge AccomplishmenT And Can Ultimately Save Our Life. While The Nicotine Is Not Good For You, Its The Smoke And The Million Chemicals That Will Do Us In If We Continue To Smoke. I Wanna Punch SomeThing, Freak out, Slap A Fool, But It Seems That This Is Normal. Stay Strong Fellow Ex Smokers, You Have The Power, Not That Piece Of Shit Tobacco Stick That Costs $8 A PacK And Will Rob Your Family Of Precious Years With you.
Im on day 8 cold turkey, glad I found this blog, gosh I am in pissy mood today having damn fantasy's about a smoke. not going to smoke though have tried so many times in past but I will get through this .
Oh I am 54 been smoking since I was 12 and I have COPD...I am using Chantix, on day six of it, official "quit" day is 2 days away....But I am already not smoking hardly anything....over 9 hours since I had one....I feel like crap though...I hurt all over....coughing up omg nasty crap....fever...running nose...can't sleep....Just had to say all that someplace where I know people will understand....
Just want to thank all of you for this blog. I am on day seven cold turkey didn't even quit for me had to cause I am pregnant. I thought I was going crazy when I had dreams about smoking its nice to know I am not alone. I feel alone my husband doesn't smoke my close friends don't smoke and no one can understand what's wrong with me. I am sad I feel like crap I am so irritable and I just don't care about anything. Being pregnant is something you are supposed to enjoy 8 don't enjoy anything right now. I just keep telling myself it has to get better. But I smoked for 15 years and how do u fill that enjoyment again???
Look into Rhodiola. It is a natural herb that helps you cope. It worked for me.
Does anyone get pains in the middle off ribs.like aches??
Pains in the e middle of ribbs aches im on day 7 of no smoking
Thank you!! Im on day 5 cold turkey and its really annoying when someone writes "day 3 not smoking, the patch is working" How retarded can people be!!! The real fun doesnt start till you give up nicotine
This is the hardest thing I have ever done!! I am on day 7 and I have to go cold turkey, you see I smoked for 25 years! I got addicted to the nic. gum for 8 years, then what do I do?? I hang out with smokers, before I know it Im smoking, only 3 to 5 fags a day, the problem is my husband of 38 years was clueless[I hide it well] any way I have to control being cranky, I can't wish it was over!! it is hard doing this alone, but I refuse o let this cancer stick get to me!! I just wish I had someone to talk to! I suppose this is my way of talking about it, I sure cant talk to my husband! good luck to every one, and good luck to me!! magic
It's day #2 for me. Started at 16, I'm 44 now. Headache, body ache, bloat and gas, head stuffed full of wet cotton. Hands shaking a little. Irritable. Angry. Anxious.
Keeping myself away from any nicotine replacement and candy/junk food. This aint gonna be easy..
First few days are horrible, carve slowly goes away. Always think, I have won the game
I decided to quit when my dentist saw white patches in my mouth - scared me to death. My cheeks inside were rough and bumpy with white/purple marks, it was very scary. I had to go and see a specialist so I knew I had to give up before the appointment! I had the appointment on day 5 of quitting and had a biopsy taken from my cheek. They think it is oral lichen planus!! Nothing to do with smoking, but I have stayed off cigarettes. I do not want to go through quitting again, which I know I will have to do. Day 7/8 now and cravings really bad. It helps reading what you all are going through! We are not alone. I just keep thinking of the relief of not being told I had oral cancer and that keeps me off them, like I have a second chance or something and can now get on with my life as I was so so scared. Good luck everyone!
Wow, this post really spoke to me. I jad my last cigarette a week ago today and still want one just as bad as I did then. I've gone total cold turkey and still feel as though I'm just waiting to be 'allowed' one again.
The only thing that has stopped me is I don't want to do days 2-4 again, and its nice to know I'm not the only one feeling that way.
I quit 7 days ago,because I had the flu.I went 1 day without smoking and decided I could go another.My moods are pretty up and down.I sweat,cough,snap at people.I still have a pack of cigs in the freezer.Not ready to throw them out yet.Never want to light up again.I hate the cravings.
on day 5, using champix with side effects of insomnia, today is a hard one ihave had really bad cravings since 11am and i thought day 3 was bad, this blog is great and helpful, keep up the good work
Sure is nice to know I'm not alone! I'm on the patch and some people on her have said that's not really quitting, well you're wrong! I'm on day 7 and had to go to the doctor yesterday and he put me on Lorazapam. That doesn't help either. I feel like climbing the walls, I'm depressed and going nuts! As many of you said, the only thing that stops me from lighting up is that I don't EVER want to go through this again. I have smoked a pack a day for 33 years and I feel like I've lost my right arm...does it ever get better?
Day 8 for me. Cold turkey after 33years. Already starting to feel better and tackling one trigger at a time. IT WILL PASS. ITS PASSING!!! IM FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Days 3 and 4 suck .. I'm on day 6 and its getting easier now ... Even had a coffee this morning ... Coffee is a trigger for me ... Got thru that test easily ... I can get high on caffeine woohoo ... Beer will be a big test ... Gonna stay quit for a month before I take that trigger risk ... Might just drink bloody marys
each craving will last for no more then 3mins. its your sense of time thats altered. if you have 1 puff every 3 days you will go through withdrawals forever
I am the day seven, I still feel craving. Reading these comments has helped me.
Remember the will is in your mind. You can do it.
Day 7 for me cold turkey as well... coughing up heaps of crap non stop all day everyday thats probably the only thing bothering me. Gave up four years ago for 6 months and then again last year for a month... this time around im doing better than the previous two times and not craving at all maybe once a day. Happy not going outside anymore either the weather here has been too hot!! Hope i do well thos time round :) doing it for my babies :))
Sook it
Im on day 8 now and i have just murdered my pet gerbil :D
Firstly thank you everyone for your comments - every single one helps and could just be the comment to have someone hang in there. This is my 3rd attempt at giving up smoking and will be my last one - I will not go back to smoking ever although I am now on Day 7 and it is the worse day yet. I left it late in life to finally do this. I have just turned 65 and have smoked for 50 years :( I have not been warned by the doctor or anything, I made the decision to do this- I will do it this time and wish every single one of you a happy and smoke free life - hang in there you can do it!!!
I´m on day 7, have been pretty damn hard to do this but i will resist. Day 2 and 3 were the worst for me but im in that stage where i keep hearing in my head that one cig is not going to kill me.......im going to be strong!!!
Im on day 7, been smoking since i was 13, now 25... this is the millionth time ive quit... but determined to get to at least 3months (longest ive quit)
My reasons are: too expensive, my daughter and my health... wanna start getting healthy and fit, cant do that unless i quit first!
I find exercising everyday helps... drinking about 2-3 litres of water also helps ;-)
Good luck all u quitters out there!! Xxx
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Nice Post Love Reading Its
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Day 7 here too but dam it I want a cig. But I won't give in, tried of giving uncle sam his tax money for a habit that is killing me
Day 7 ... occasional light headedness. 35 yrs of 'free-basing' nicotine ! Tobacco companies add ammonia to cigs to amplify nicotine dosage making it harder to quit. Patches, gum etc. do not address the brain alterations of nicotine withdraw such as the loss of serotonin and dopamine production. The current treatments only pad the pockets of big pharma. The truth will set you all on the path of a better recovery!
week 7 cold turkey first couple of days couldnt sleep proplerly having hot sweats feeling like u have got this constant voice saying have ahave a fag , trying to concetrate was hard has well i found when i got over my secound week felt like i was on the winning side of things been smoking 40 years smoking 40 a day then d20 a day for the past 2 yrs done it for health resons suffer with alot of chest infections and a persisant cough still cough a bit at times but and still bring a bit of crap up which i think will be like that for a while so to anybody trying to give up try and keep it going i am on week 7 and feels alot easier
Day 7 Cold Turkey and feeling proud of myself. I've been smoking since I was 11 and this year I am going to be 59, so after 48 years of smoking and losing both my parents to Cancer...... Why on Tuesday 1st July did I suddenly decide to give up smoking? Two words - Tongue Cancer. I saw something online about it and it scared the nicotine out of me! I'd always said, if I got cancer it wouldn't matter, I have to die somehow, someday but the thought of getting tongue cancer and having to have part of it removed, affecting being able to swallow, eat, talk etc..... It just freaked me out. So I gave up and I know I won't ever smoke again because the fear of that diagnosis would make me want to kill myself. So my advice to anyone who is struggling with giving up is to find your biggest fear. Take a look online at the horrors of all the different cancers you are risking getting. Figure out what is more important to you a cigarette or your health and possibly your life. I know I could be riddled with cancer but I'm not giving it any more help to invade my body than I already have. Good Luck everyone that is trying to quit and for those of you that are thinking of giving in - start looking at the gruesome pictures, really look at them and imagine it's you and not just an unknown body.
Im 15 smoked for five years us are all gonna say im a dickhead for starting iv been cold turkey for five days i randomly cry and feel week and just wanna sleep but cant fully get to sleep im not snappy tho im just get annoying head aches and heart burn but day 3 and 4 is the only thing holding me back they were horrrible
I'm on day 7 of my quit, but I kinda feel like shit because I smoked two cigarettes on day 3, and one on day 5. I guess some people would say 'Nope, start all over again.' To them I say f**k off. If I told myself I'm on day 1 again, I'd go buy a pack right now and say 'screw it, tomorrow can be day 1 just as easily.' I've been smoking for 11 years, right through two pregnancies (both of which turned out just fine, over 7lbs each, perfectly healthy) but now I'm pregnant again, and the guilt is just too much. It's so easy to curl up with the notion that since my last two were perfect, this one would be too. I went in for an ultrasound, and this baby is small, measuring in the 30th percentile. Still healthy, but about 10 days behind. I'm now 29 weeks pregnant, and desperately hoping I quit in time to prevent serious complications.
Please don't attack me - I'm mentally destroying myself enough.
I quit on Thursday last week with a 18 mg of nicotine e cigarette. Friday I dropped down to 12 mg. Smoked 12 until Monday. Dropped down to 9 mg on Monday mid day. Then Tuesday I dropped to 3. It's now Thursday again and I am just about to stop vaping completely by Saturday I'd say. People can quit with an e smoke too. Trust me it's kept me sane the last week.
Day 7 here- worst day by far. 1-6 I had game and the edge. Today- I'm tiring of this bs. Not sleeping well, don't feel well, always pissed off but I can't show it. On day 3- I read that's the hardest day- then gets easier. Then I read day 4 and the posts say that's the hardest. So far day 7 has been the killer for me. Don't think I'm going to make it.
2 weeks
Hello I quit cold turkey 6 days 16 minutes ago ,been smoking for 30 years,it's been rough days 3,4 day 5 and 6 have been better.when I get a urge for a CIG,I just think of the bad chemicals in it.I do feel better and my breathing is much better for me.Good luck everyone. Stay positive.
Hi everyone!
I'm on day 7,cold turkey after 20 years smoking between 20 and 30 a day. I'm struggling a lot and I don't feel any benefit yet. I'm constantly pissed off,I don't know how many more days like this I can stand :(
I no this is for day 7 I quit 33 days ago cold turkey I feel so much better hardest days where every 7 days for me 7,14,21 but after day 30 I'm not even thinking about cigs.
Smoked 1 pack a day 30 years.you can do it you owe it to yourself.
I am so ridiculously happy to have stumbled across this post! I smoked for about 15 years I think and I'm now 32. I am quitting cold turkey. My quit smoking app has just ticked over to 8 days and man it has been tough. The acid reflux/heartburn (whatever it is) that I have been getting the past couple of days is horrendous! That and the issues with my sleeping are really doing my head in right now. I'm sleeping better but still waking up in the early hours of the morning and am unable to get back to sleep. I am over the physical cravings now, I think they cleared up around day 3 or so, now it is just the mental ones and the other stuff my body is doing that I had NO CLUE about going into it. Smoking again is out of the question. I would disappoint myself and my family so much, not to mention the money is outrageous and I am loving having the extra cash in my pocket! I'm now a non-smoker. I have started to repeat that to myself when the mental cravings hit and possibly turn to drinking water, chocolate milk and/or candy haha.
Thank you all so much for listening and sharing your stories. It is such a help to see that I am not the only one going through these things and it helps to know that it is all normal and part of quitting. Best of luck to us all, we CAN do this!
I'm not kidding - go to the restaurant on the top floor of the Galeria Kaufhof in Alexanderplatz and you will find a glass-partioned area (which also seems to be used as a staff smokers' Air Purifier for Smoke
Day 7 and it isn't that bad. I've quit before but seem to end up back on the smokes as I enjoy smoking pot. This time I will have to let that go too. I was thinking of smoking that ice stuff instead though I have never tried it. Any thoughts on the ice peeps?
Today is day 7. Not one craving so far. Chest feels light except for the running nose for the past 2 days. Feels good to cross the 7 day wooden bridge. Next target 14 days.Till then, Peace.
I'm on day 7 after smoking 20 a day for 31 years. Tried to stop before and failed miserably. This time on Champix and I think it's amazing. Could still smoke but there is not that huge urge to the cravings that could make you smoke your own fingers! Think having got to day 7 I've cracked it, I've only ever got to day 3 before. The mantra has to be "not one puff" of it's a slippery slope. Good luck all! Keep going!
Make it happen..mind over matter..day 7 for me. No COPD tho. My brother-in-law died a year ago...agonizing death from lung cancer..he was 69.. day Third day, third week, third month. 333.
The very first week after you stop smoking will definitely be the worst stage. site has more information on the Reduce Smoking.
I am on day 7 and was feeling discouraged. Your post made me laugh and reminded me of something I haven't really considered ..confidence. I have only quit one other time since I was a child, and it is probably the only time that I really felt confidence... until the weight gain set in that is, then it went back to normal levels again :) anyway, just wanted to thank you for reminding me of that benefit!
Honestly, it feels like you will feel like that forever but it doesn't. After a couple weeks, the urges will die down I PROMISE. You will forget about cigs completely .
Thanks for sharing. i really appreciate it that you shared with us such an inspirational post.
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